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Install with YARN | AesirX Marketing Automation Platform


Before installing AesirX Marketing Automation Platform, formerly known as AesirX Marketing Automation Platform, you must have the following installed on your development computer:

Step-by-step guide:

1. Register your account at https://dapp.shield.aesirx.io/You will then get an email for user creation account.

2. Activate your account by clicking verify in the email.

3. Login to https://dapp.shield.aesirx.io/licenses site to get your SSO_CLIENT_ID and SSO_CLIENT_SECRECT in your profile. 


4. Install AesirX Marketing Automation Platform app.

git clone

6. At dma-app folder, rename the .env.dist file to .env

Or use this command:

mv .env.dist .env

Note: To show the .env file in your computer, use:
MacOS: Ctrl + Shift + "."
Linux: Ctrl + H

7. Replace license keys in.env file with the one provided in your profile account.

8. Then run AesirX Marketing Automation Platform app.

yarn install

yarn build

When the app runs successfully, it will look like the image below


9. Go to the browser, type the name http://localhost:3000 to login.

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